Shears and press shears for scrap metals by Beltramelli S.r.l.
Our shears are designed and built considering the challenging conditions that are typical of demolition sites.The robust build of the entire structure allows installation of our machines on a simple levelled base in reinforced concrete, without the necessity of bolting the machine down.
This factor considerably reduces installation costs.
The unique design of our machines with a column guide system for the frontal blade holders has returned excellent results for over forty years, exceeding our expectations, both regards durability and in maintaining precision cutting within tolerance limits.
This system does in fact guarantee that the blades are always perfectly aligned to each other, thus eliminating a difficult adjustment process.
The robust build of the machine permits a high level of compression within the casing, creating compact bales prior to shearing.
The machine is equipped with a pre-loading chamber which facilitates the crane operator in loading the correct quantity of scrap to be shorn, whilst the machine goes ahead working according to the settings in the control panel.
All the hydraulic cylinders have linear encoders for electronic reading of their exact position at every instant during operations.
The oleodynamic pumps are "variable displacement pumps", a system able to generate considerable energy savings.
The electric system totally runs the machine, getting the very maximum from the machine whilst protecting it from accidental damage through a sophisticated continual check system on all parts and notifying the operator in the case of malfunction.
Our shearers range is from 600 ton to 2200 ton capacity (cutting power of the shears), and the compression chamber dimensions are in line with the power of the shears, with the possibility of personalisation according to client specific requirements.